Chains and accessories | Suisca Group

Chains and accessories

Chains for vessels play an important role in sailing today. Crews must be able to count on well-selected elements in this regard – that’s why it’s so important to be able to rely on a trustworthy provider. At Suisca Group we specialize in offering all types of products and services for vessels.

Types of chains available

When it comes to choosing lifting chains for a vessels, you’ll need to bear in mind aspects such as the boat’s size and characteristics. It’s also a good idea to choose the right type of link. Given that there are a wide variety of these available on the market, we offer personalized advice to help you make your decision.

Steel: the best choice

The benchmark material for vessels chains is steel, although its final quality will depend on the interior diameter and nature of the chain. More specifically, in Suisca Group we have Grade 100 chain in stock.

In our catalogue, we offer chains for boats, from anchoring accessories to models for boat windlasses, marinas, shipyards or genovese chains, among others. Whether you need a long or a short link, we at Suisca Group will offer the perfect product with unbeatable conditions.